I am trying to save Tags within a Path to a through-table using a manytomany relationship, where Path is a list of Tags where tag might be a duplicate, like this:
path = ['div', 'div', 'div', 'div', 'div', 'ul', 'li', 'a']
If the Path above has an ID of 1, and I am storing Tags with a unique constraint, I expect the following in the through-table:
Where tag_id's 1,2,3 and 4 are div
, ul
, li
and a
However, I get the following error:
peewee.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: path_tag_through.path_id, path_tag_through.tag_id
What exactly am I doing wrong here? I can't set unique=False
Here is the code to replicate:
import peewee
from peewee import *
db = SqliteDatabase('bs.db')
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class Tag(BaseModel):
name = CharField()
class Path(BaseModel):
name = CharField()
tags = ManyToManyField(Tag, backref='path')
PathTags = Path.tags.get_through_model()
my_path = ['div', 'div', 'div', 'div', 'div', 'ul', 'li', 'a']
path_id = Path.insert(name='my_path').execute()
path_obj = Path.get(path_id)
for i in my_path:
The many-to-many field assumes that the two foreign-keys comprising the relationship are unique. If you looked at the source code you'd see that there's a unique constraint on the two fks in the thru table. Your example is weird because you aren't talking about a set of relations but an ordering of things that you've normalized into a separate table for some insane reason (tag). In short, this is over-engineered all to hell.
If you insist on this schema, then create the through table explicitly without the unique constraint. You probably want to add a third column to specify the ordering, since it seems to be meaningful in your example.
Also your code is inefficient. Just do:
path_obj = Path.create(name='my_path')