I have an excel sheet which has the format shown below:
Members can have multiple entries in the corresponding members
table. When uploading data from the excel template, I would like to find_by
as well as end_date
so that I update the specific record during upload.
I am using gem roo
to import excel data, and here is my load_imported_members
def load_imported_members
spreadsheet = open_spreadsheet
spreadsheet.default_sheet = 'Worksheet'
header = spreadsheet.row(1)
(2..spreadsheet.last_row).map do |i|
row = Hash[[header, spreadsheet.row(i)].transpose]
member = Member.find_by_pin(row["pin"]) || Member.new
member.attributes = row.to_hash.slice("id", "name", "pin", "end_date", "email")
I reckon that if I use both pin
and end_date
in the find_by
method, I will update the specific record, since there could be two entries in the table, but one must have an end_date
. How can I achieve this? Thanks
If you want to find just one record at a time you can use a find_by()
with a hash to search with multiple columns like this:
Member.find_by(pin:row["pin"],end_date: row["end_date"])
is explained more here
If you want to retrieve multiple records matching your search you need the where()
function on the Member class instead of find_by()
is explained more here