
iOS 13 Simulator: reverseGeocodeLocation - [GEOAddressObject] [NSLocale currentLocale] failed for NSLocaleCountryCode@

Whenever I'm calling:

reverseGeocodeLocation(_ location: CLLocation, preferredLocale locale: Locale?, completionHandler: @escaping CLGeocodeCompletionHandler)

I'm getting in the console:

[GEOAddressObject] [NSLocale currentLocale] failed for NSLocaleCountryCode@

I'm getting this on the iOS 13 Simulator (iPhone 6s), so I don't know if this also happens on a real device. I've tested with nil and any Locale for preferredLocale, but it does not make any difference - I always get the failed-message.

Anyone else is experiencing this and found a solution?


  • I was also getting this same error "failed for NSLocaleCountryCode@" on the simulator for all iPhone types. Running iOS 13.1. I was able to solve it by going into Settings -> General -> Language & Region -> Region and updating the region from United States to Sweden (where I live).