
Haskell: Comparing Characters

I want to create a function consonant which check, whether an char is an consonant(True) or a vowel(False). I try something like this:

consonant :: Char -> Bool
consonant x = if (x == 'a'|'e'|'i'|'o'|'u'|' ') then False else True

But it doesn't work, i think it is just a problem with the Syntax. I hope anyone can help me :) Thanks


  • The expression x == 'a'|'e'|'i'|'o'|'u'|' ' does not make sense, the pipe character (|) is used for guards, or when defining several data constructors for a data type.

    Replacing | with (||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool will not help either, since 'e' is not a Bool. We can however write several conditions:

    consonant :: Char -> Bool
    consonant x = not (x == 'a'|| x == 'e'|| x == 'i'|| x =='o'|| x =='u'|| x ==' ')

    or we can make use of elem :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => a -> f a -> Bool:

    consonant :: Char -> Bool
    consonant = not . flip elem "aeiou "

    or we can make use of an operator sectioning as @leftroundabout suggests:

    consonant :: Char -> Bool
    consonant = not . (`elem` "aeiou ")

    or do the "flipping" ourselves with a variable:

    consonant :: Char -> Bool
    consonant x = not (elem x "aeiou ")

    Or we can make use notElem :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => a -> f a -> Bool which negates the elem:

    consonant :: Char -> Bool
    consonant = (`notElem` "aeiou ")