i have put my backend to aws. the backend url works finein postman.
but when i put my backend url in angular service, locahost is getting appended to it in front.
how can i resolve this.
backend url: api.angularapp.site
in my service i called like this:
private url = "api.angularapp.site/api/v1";
public signupFunction(data):Observable<any>{
const params=new HttpParams()
.set('firstName', data.firstName)
.set('lastName', data.lastName)
.set('mobileNumber', data.mobile)
.set('email', data.email)
.set('password', data.password)
return this.http.post(`${this.url}/users/signup`,params);
}//end of signup function
but when i run the app and try to signup i get console error:
http://localhost:4200/api.angularapp.site/api/v1/users/signup 404 (Not Found)
why is this localhost attaching itself to the backend call url.
before the url was ** private url = "http://localhost:3000/api/v1";** in that case angular was connecting fine to backend. but now i am not getting how it is appending angular locahost url in start
Please help
you need to provide a full qualified url to the service, otherwise angular will try to do a relative url.
change the url variable to
private url = "http://api.angularapp.site/api/v1";
and all should work.