Here's a Nuke's Python script for creating a camera’s projection matrix and using paint strokes as a texture map. The idea behind it, is to project 3D texture of all objects in the Viewer to screen space through the currently selected camera using paint strokes.
Method .getGeometry()
isn't working.
How to fix it?
Here's a code:
import nuke
import nukescripts
def paintPoints():
geoNode = nuke.activeViewer().node()
camera = nuke.selectedNode()
if not camera.Class() in ('Camera', 'Camera2'):
nuke.message('Por favor, seleccione un nodo de la cámara primera')
geoKnob = geoNode['geo']
objects = geoKnob.getGeometry()
if not objects:
nuke.message('No se han encontrado geometría en %s' %
pts = []
for o in objects:
objTransform = o.transform()
for p in o.points():
worldP = objTransform * nuke.math.Vector4(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)
pts.append([worldP.x, worldP.y, worldP.z])
curvesKnob = nuke.createNode('RotoPaint')['curves']
task = nuke.ProgressTask('painting points')
for i, pt in enumerate(pts):
if task.isCancelled():
task.setMessage('painting point %s' % i)
stroke = nuke.rotopaint.Stroke(curvesKnob)
pos = nukescripts.snap3d.projectPoint(camera, pt)
ctrlPoint = nuke.rotopaint.AnimControlPoint(pos)
Since The Foundry engineers deprecated geo
knob as well as its .getGeometry()
method, we should use .getGeometryNodes()
method instead.
If you need more detailed information about it go here and write your question.