I am trying to use ArangoJS drive on Node JS, when I add following code to main app.js file it works but when added to a function in a class in different file it throws an error.
Database is not defined
Code is as follows
class User {
insertUser() {
Database = require('arangojs').Database;
db = new Database();
db.useBasicAuth("", "");
collection = db.collection('Users');
doc = {
_key: 'firstDocument',
a: 'foo',
b: 'bar',
c: Date()
meta => console.log('Document saved:', meta._rev),
err => console.error('Failed to save document:', err)
contructor() {
module.exports = User;
If I use the code from insertUser function in app.js directly it works fine.
Kindly advice
Note: I am using Express with Node js
You need to require database outside of the class and use const:
const { Database } = require('arangojs');
class User {
contructor() {}
insertUser() {
db = new Database();
db.useBasicAuth("", "");
collection = db.collection('Users');
doc = {
_key: 'firstDocument',
a: 'foo',
b: 'bar',
c: Date()
meta => console.log('Document saved:', meta._rev),
err => console.error('Failed to save document:', err)
module.exports = User;