I am making Oauth2 flow with ruby and Microsoft Azure Active Directory. Basically authentication works fine, except fact that when I decode token I do not receive email of user. Here is what I receive from Azure after authentication:
"scope"=>"profile openid email https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read",
"id_token"=> id_token_here,
"access_token"=> access_token_here,
When I try to decode "id_token" via I receive this kind of object:
So I do NOT have email or something like this. When I try to login with another account I do receive 'preferred_username' or 'email' keys. Any help is appreciated
I tried both single tenant and multi tenant, also tried tenant user and guest user. But I didn't reproduce your issue. Here are my steps.
Use code auth flow to get the code:
&scope=profile openid email https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read
Use the code to get id token
Decode the id token