I'm trying to add an onChange event handler to the Select component from material-ui:
{countries.map(c => {
return (
<MenuItem value={c}>{c}</MenuItem>
and my event handler:
const handleCountryChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
setValues({...values, country: event.target.value});
but I get the following error:
Type '(event: ChangeEvent) => void' is not assignable to type '(event: ChangeEvent<{ name?: string | undefined; value: unknown; }>, child: ReactNode) => void'.
What's wrong?
Since MUI Select in not a real select element you will need to cast e.target.value
using as Type
and type the handler as React.ChangeEvent<{ value: unknown }>
const handleCountryChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<{ value: unknown }>) => {
setValues({...values, country: event.target.value as string});