
glob patterns doesn't match any files workbox

I am trying to generate service worker for the Polymer 3 with workbox 4.3.1.

I have some specific files inside bower and node_modules I want to cache.

I tried adding "en-in/node_modules/**" to globIgnores and include specific files like - en-in/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.*.js in globPattern.

The config I tried is giving a error. I even tried adding globStrict: false. Even that didn't help.

Below is my workbox config:

    globDirectory: "dist",
    globPatterns: ["en-in/**/*.{js,json,css}",
    globIgnores: [
    globStrict: false,

I am getting the below error:

One of the glob patterns doesn't match any files. Please remove or fix the following: 
  "globDirectory": "dist",
  "globPattern": "en-in/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.*.js",
  "globIgnores": [


  • The code that does glob-ing in Workbox looks like:

    globbedFiles = glob.sync(globPattern, {
      cwd: globDirectory,
      follow: globFollow,
      ignore: globIgnores,
      strict: globStrict,

    Because you're passing in "en-in/node_modules/**" as one of the globIgnores patterns, "en-in/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.*.js" is never going to match anything. In the glob module, ignore always takes precedence.

    You have a number of approaches that would fix this:

    There are probably a few other alternatives as well. But hopefully that explains the root cause.