
How to add multiple columns in Sequel

In this example:

require 'rubygems'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'sequel'

db = "fruits.db"
db2 = Sequel.sqlite("fruits.db")

db.execute 'CREATE TABLE "fruit" ("box_id" INTEGER, "apples" INTEGER, "oranges" INTEGER, "total" INTEGER)'

db.execute "INSERT INTO fruit(box_id,apples,oranges) VALUES(1,2,2)"

thisBox = db2[:fruit][:box_id => 1] 

This works in SQLite3:

db.execute "UPDATE fruit SET total = apples + oranges WHERE box_id=1"

But I cannot come up with the same in one line in Sequel:

thisBox.update(:total => :apples + :oranges)

which returns the error:

undefined method '+' for :unfollows:Symbol

The only way around it I've found is:

apples = thisBox[:apples]
oranges = thisBox[:oranges]

thisBox.update(:total => apples + oranges)


  • I highly recommend reading through the Sequel cheat sheet, README and then the documentation for the different classes. It's extremely powerful and, in my opinion, a great ORM.

    Meditate on this as a starting point for how to learn it. It'll also show a simple, but not the most efficient, way to do what you're asking about:

    require 'sequel'
    require 'logger'
    DB = Sequel.sqlite(loggers: [$stdout)])
    DB.create_table :fruitbaskets do
      primary_key :id
      Integer :apple
      Integer :orange
      Integer :total
    fruitbaskets = DB[:fruitbaskets]
    fruitbaskets.insert(:apple => 1, :orange => 2, :total => 0)
    fruit_basket = fruitbaskets.where(:id => 1)
    fruit_basket.update(:total => fruit_basket.get([:apple, :orange]).sum) 
    fruitbaskets.where(:id => 1).get([:apple, :orange, :total]) # => [1, 2, 3]
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.524611 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000188s) PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.524673 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000013s) PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = 1
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.525058 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000228s) CREATE TABLE `fruitbaskets` (`id` integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `apple` integer, `orange` integer, `total` integer)
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.525212 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000060s) SELECT sqlite_version()
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.525331 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000036s) INSERT INTO `fruitbaskets` (`apple`, `orange`, `total`) VALUES (1, 2, 0)
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.525477 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000040s) SELECT `apple`, `orange` FROM `fruitbaskets` WHERE (`id` = 1) LIMIT 1
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.525558 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000023s) UPDATE `fruitbaskets` SET `total` = 3 WHERE (`id` = 1)
    # >> I, [2019-11-04T19:30:20.525669 #8709]  INFO -- : (0.000037s) SELECT `apple`, `orange`, `total` FROM `fruitbaskets` WHERE (`id` = 1) LIMIT 1


    fruit_basket = fruitbaskets.where(:id => 1)
    fruit_basket.update(:total => fruit_basket.get([:apple, :orange]).sum) 

    Sequel lets us build statements incrementally if its useful to our code. I'm pointing to a record and can then reuse the variable in different ways. This is really powerful and covered in the documentation.