My Kiali installation returns 520 when logging in.
In my console is being printed:
W1105 08:23:28.238619 1 kiali.go:145] Kiali is missing a secret that contains both 'username' and 'passphrase'
E1105 08:23:34.142346 1 authentication.go:108] Credentials are missing. Create a secret. Please refer to the documentation for more details.
This is strange, because running
kubectl describe secret kiali -n istio-system
provides me with the following output:
Name: kiali
Namespace: istio-system
Labels: app=kiali
Annotations: ae50afa268598e23696d4e980b1686829b3589e4
Type: Opaque
passphrase: 5 bytes
username: 6 bytes
restarting the pod does not solve the issue.
Versions used Kiali: Version: v0.18.1, Commit: ef27faa
Istio: 1.1.2
Kubernetes flavour and version: Azure AKS
To Reproduce Deploy Istio to your AKS cluster using the following resource:
It turns out updating to 1.1.5 is all that was necessary. Also the repo I was using isn't the official version. That can be found here:
I had this issue, upgrade to istio 1.1.5 or higher. you can use my example repo with istio 1.2.0. that would fix it as well.