
Integrating Skype runtime in existing Android application

The binary distribution of the Skypekit SDK(beta) ships with binary Runtimes for different machine architectures(linux/win/mac-x86/arm-eabi). Usually, for integrating and leveraging Skype functionalities what we do is -

  1. Start Runtime
  2. Connect to it over TCP and
  3. then pass command-protocol messages(For IM, Audio/Video chat).

Per Skype FAQ:
Although there are no public builds available for Android there is a Runtime for ARM architecture and there are Java Wrappers available for communicating with this Runtime.


  1. Has anyone tried integrating Skype runtime in an existing Android application?
  2. How can we setup and start the Skype Runtime from command line? I assume once this is figured out I can use Runtime API to invoke the same from my application?
  3. Can we just package all the armeabi files and load them when the app initializes, initialize the runtime and maybe then connect to it on the said port and pass command protocol messages?

Any pointers on how this could be done?



  • For any one looking for an answer, this was answered in another thread, here.