Declaring a "static" function in Kotlin is done using:
companion object {
fun classFoo() {
//do something
However I was mistakenly coding
companion object fun classFoo() {
//do something
Expecting the code to do the same, if only one static function was required.
The compiler doesn't argue about that, and it seems to be valid as the compiler expects a fun
name and parameters. But I never found how to call that function from other class.
What does that form of companion object fun
do? there is no doc available about that.
class Test {
companion object fun classFoo() {
//do something
is equivalent to
class Test {
companion object // Add "{ }" to make it explicit that the object body is empty
fun classFoo() {
//do something
i.e. a class with an empty companion object (which is valid syntax) and a normal member function, callable in the usual way: