Can I programmaticaly beautify JavaScript code with UglifyJS library? When I try to use something like
var uglifyjs = require('uglify-js');
var options = { compress: false, mangle: false, beautify: true };
var code = uglifyjs(source, options);
I get an error
{ error:
{ [DefaultsError: `beautify` is not a supported option]
message: '`beautify` is not a supported option',
I don't want to use extra libraries, because I already use uglifyjs for minifying javascript in my code, and command-line version of uglifyjs can do this with command
uglifyjs --beautify -o script.js script.min.js
From the docs here ( it looks like that needs to be in the Output Options
var options = {
compress: false,
mangle: false,
output: {
beautify: true
var code = uglifyjs(source, options);