I have an horizontal bar chart with a single QBarSet that looks like this:
I want to individually set the color of each bar of the QBarSet. Is there any way this could be done?
I know I could use 3 separate QBarSet instead of one and set the color of each QBarSet individually to achieve what I want. However, I don't want to use this strategy because the label of the bars would appear in a legend at the top of the chart (I want the label of each bar to appear at the left of the bar, like in the snapshot that I provided).
I saw a solution here that explains how to do it on hover events, but I can find a way to modify that solution so that the bars are always colored.
The following method may fail in another configuration since it is highly dependent on what is placed on the chart so if you want an answer to your real problem you must provide an MRE.
Considering the above, the logic is to obtain the items (rectangles) through a filter and set the color:
#include <random>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtCharts>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QChartView w;
QBarSet *set0 = new QBarSet("bar1");
*set0 << 1 << 4 << 3 << 7 << 2 << 5 << 1 << 3 << 3 << 2 << 1 << 6 << 7 << 5;
QBarSeries *series = new QBarSeries;
QChart *chart= new QChart;
// filter items
QList<QGraphicsRectItem *> rect_items;
for(QGraphicsItem * it : w.items()){
if(QGraphicsRectItem *rect = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsRectItem *>(it)){
if(rect->parentItem() != chart && rect->parentItem()->parentItem() == chart){
rect_items << rect;
// change color
std::random_device dev;
std::mt19937 rng(dev());
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::mt19937::result_type> dist255(0, 255);
for(QGraphicsRectItem * rect : rect_items){
QColor color(dist255(rng), dist255(rng), dist255(rng));
return a.exec();