If i have the following javascript code
var myVar = 0;
function setNewValforVar(newValue){
myVar = newValue;
and i'm calling setNewValforVar
function n
so when I click on a link it'd send myVar
value to the controller action in a remote link like
<%=link_to "My Link",{:action=>"myAction"},:data=>''sval='+myVar',:remote=>true%>
I Rails 2.3.x I'd do this with
<%=link_to_remote "My Link",:url=>{:action=>"myAction"},:with=>"'sval='+myVar"%>
and i was getting this on the controller's action with
how do I do this on Rails 3 with the link_to
Rails 3 no longer supports this behavior. You will have to either create a form to submit the value, or modify the href
of the link to include the value in the query string.