
Why I have empty windows logs after success EventWrite function call

I have a manifest file with several events and two channels. I generate include and resource file via mc command:

mc -um manifest.man

I link resource files into the application.

I install manifest in the system via wevtutil command:

wevtutil.exe im manifest.man

In application I use EventRegister for initialization log, and EventWrite for log writing. The next code for generating log event return ERROR_SUCCESS: EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR data;

 ULONG writeEvent(const std::string& message){
   std::string log_message_str( message );
   EVENT_DESCRIPTOR description;
   EventDataDescCreate( &data, message.c_str(), static_cast<ULONG>(log_message_str.size() + 1) );

   return EventWrite(log_handle, &description, 1, &data);

Also, I grant read permissions to my application for LocalService:

icacls "service_win.exe" /grant "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService":R /Q

I start my application such as service with 'NT AUTHORITY\LocalService' account:

sc.exe create service_win binpath=D:\service_win.exe type=own obj='NT AUTHORITY\LocalService'
net start service_win

The channels declared in my manifest.man added in WinEvents journal, but are empty. In the application I write to log via writeEvent every one second with ERROR_SUCCESS result, but my logs files still are empty.


I create github repo with steps for reproduce


  • I found a solution. The problem was in trace session and auto generated code from mc utility. Need to call mc with -um flag and use auto generated functions for log write. Working sample is here