I have an extension function that filters away entries with null keys or values:
fun <K, V> Map<K?, V?>.filterNotNull(): Map<K, V> = this.mapNotNull {
it.key?.let { key ->
it.value?.let { value ->
key to value
This works for a map with nullable keys and values:
data class Stuff(val foo: Int)
val nullMap = mapOf<String?, Stuff?>(null to (Stuff(1)), "b" to null, "c" to Stuff(3))
assert(nullMap.filterNotNull().map { it.value.foo } == listOf(3))
But not in one that has non-nullable keys or values:
val nullValues = mapOf<String, Stuff?>("a" to null, "b" to Stuff(3))
assert(nullValues.filterNotNull().map { it.value.foo } == listOf(3))
Type mismatch: inferred type is Map<String, Stuff?> but Map<String?, Stuff?> was expected
Type inference failed. Please try to specify type arguments explicitly.
Is there a way to make my extension function work for both cases, or do I need to provide two separate functions?
I will later figure out why, but adding out to the map is working:
fun <K : Any, V : Any> Map<out K?, V?>.filterNotNull(): Map<K, V> = ...