I started learning performance improvements on mongoDb. And i have a question based aggregation functions. I have created a basic test collection with 3 fields product, colour and year:
"product" : "car",
"colour" : "red",
"year" : "2019"
"product" : "car",
"colour" : "black",
"year" : "2018"
"product" : "bike",
"colour" : "blue",
"year" : "2014"
"product" : "train",
"colour" : "black",
"year" : "2019"
"product" : "ship",
"colour" : "red",
"year" : "2018"
"product" : "car",
"colour" : "red",
"year" : "2016"
"product" : "car",
"colour" : "blue",
"year" : "2015"
"product" : "bike",
"colour" : "white",
"year" : "2014"
"product" : "train",
"colour" : "red",
"year" : "2016"
"product" : "ship",
"colour" : "red",
"year" : "2015"
Due to performance issue, i wish to use facet for single aggregation stage:
"$facet": {
{"$group":{"_id": "$product", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}
{"$match" :{"year": "2015"}},
{"$group": {"_id": "$year", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}
} }
How do we implement the same query on golang with mgo.v2 and set the results to a struct?
Using mgo, you have to pass an array of documents to Pipe
{"$match": bson.M{"colour":"red"}},
{"$facet": bson.M{ "cntOfReds":[]bson.M{{"$group":{"_id": "$product", "count": bson.M{"$sum":1}}}}},
"cntOfRedsIn2015": ...
Then, run the pipeline and get results: