I have an Elasticsearch database with several fields that can include name information and am attempting to search it like so:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
client = Elasticsearch()
s = Search(using=client, index="names")
query = 'smith'
fields = ['name1', 'name2']
results = s.query("multi_match", query=query, fields=fields, fuzziness='AUTO')
for hit in results.scan():
The results are:
However, if I structure it manually:
results = client.search(index="names",
body={"size": 100, "query":{
"multi_match": {
"query": query, "fields": fields, "fuzziness": 'AUTO'
My results are:
{'_index': 'names', '_type': 'Name1', '_id': '1MtYSW4BXryTHXwQ1xBS', '_score': 14.226202, '_source': {...}
{'_index': 'names', '_type': 'Name1', '_id': 'N8tZSW4BXryTHXwQHBfw', '_score': 14.226202, '_source': {...}
{'_index': 'names', '_type': 'Name1', '_id': '8MtZSW4BXryTHXwQeR-i', '_score': 14.226202, '_source': {...}
I would prefer to use elasticsearch-dsl if possible, but I need the score information.
The first version of the code is not equivalent to the second version of the code. Instead of executing a query, the first version uses Scroll API (elasticsearch.helpers.scan).
method build or extend a search object, not send a query to elasticsearch. So the following line of the code is misleading:
results = s.query("multi_match", query=query, fields=fields, fuzziness='AUTO')
It should be like this:
# execute() added at the end
results = s.query("multi_match", query=query, fields=fields, fuzziness='AUTO').execute()
# scan() removed
for hit in results: