I'm writing an application test with Junit5 and TestFX. My intention is that the main test class relaunches the application after each test. As far as I know, I shall use the annotation @BeforeEach, and it didn't work for me.
Here is my test class:
public class MainTest extends ApplicationTest implements FxRobotInterface {
Logger loggerGuiTesting = LoggerManager.getInstance().getLogger(LoggerType.GUI_TESTING);
public void start(final Stage stage) {
this.loggerGuiTesting.log(Level.INFO, "Application starts!");
public void endApplication() {
new ExitGuiTest().run(); // That's my internal test framework
public void atestIfOpeningScreenIsThere() {
verifyThat("#imageViewSplashScreenLogo", NodeMatchers.isNotNull());
verifyThat("#progressBarSplashScreen", NodeMatchers.isNotNull());
verifyThat("#labelSplashScreenVersion", NodeMatchers.isNotNull());
verifyThat("#labelSplashScreenDate", NodeMatchers.isNotNull());
this.loggerGuiTesting.log(Level.INFO, "testIfOpeningScreenIsThere, succeeded!");
public void btestIfRadioButtonOneExist() {
assertThat("#sourcesOneRadioButton", is("#sourcesOneRadioButton"));
this.loggerGuiTesting.log(Level.INFO, "testIfRadioButtonOneExist, succeeded!");
public cnextTest() {
new StartAnotherGuiTest().run();
this.loggerGuiTesting.log(Level.INFO, "anotherTest, succeeded!");
The question is: how can I relaunch the application after each test?
It is difficult to answer without taking a look at the StartMain class. It looks like you are using a singleton pattern there. If thats the case I would create a new method in StartMain that sets the singleton instance to null so when getInstance is called again, it has to be re-created:
@After //This should be executed after each test
public void destroyApp()