
In place real to complex FFT with cufft

I am trying to perform an inplace real to complex FFT with cufft. I am aware of the similar question How to perform a Real to Complex Transformation with cuFFT. However I have issues trying to reproduce the same method.

If I do an out of place transformation, there is no problem, but as soon as I do it in place, I do not have the correct values in the FFT (Checked with python, using binary files in between). I do not have errors, but just non correct values.

Here is my code:

void fftCuda2d(mat3d* scene)
    cufftResult resultStatus;
    cudaError_t cuda_status;

    cufftHandle plan_forward;

    resultStatus = cufftPlan2d(&plan_forward, scene->_height, scene->_width, CUFFT_R2C);
    cout << "Creating plan forward: " << _cudaGetErrorEnum(resultStatus) << endl;

    cufftComplex *d_fft, *d_scene, *h_fft;

    size_t size_fft = (int(scene->_width/2)+1)*scene->_height;

    cudaMalloc((void**)&d_scene, sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft);
    cudaMalloc((void**)&d_fft, sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft);

    h_fft = (cufftComplex*) malloc(sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft);

    cuda_status = cudaMemcpy(d_scene, scene->_pData, sizeof(cufftReal) * scene->_height * scene->_width, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    resultStatus = cufftExecR2C(plan_forward, (cufftReal*) d_scene, d_scene);

    cuda_status = cudaMemcpy(h_fft, d_scene, sizeof(cufftReal)*scene->_height*scene->_width, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    FILE* *pFileTemp;

    pFileTemp = fopen("temp.bin", "wb");

    check = fwrite(h_fft, sizeof(cufftComplex), sizeFft, pFileTemp);


If I use resultStatus = cufftExecR2C(plan_forward, (cufftReal*) d_scene, d_fft); and save the output of d_fft I have the correct result. So you see any mistake of mine here?

P.S Mat3d is a struct where _width and _height contain the size of the matrix and pData is the pointer to the data but there is no issue with that.


  • (It seems like this should be a duplicate question but I was not able to locate the duplicate.)

    Your input data needs to be organized differently (padded) when using an in-place transform. This is particularly noticeable in the 2D case, because each row of data must be padded.

    In the non-inplace R2C transform, the input data is real-valued and of size height*width (for an example R=4, C=4 case):

    X X X X
    X X X X
    X X X X
    X X X X

    The above data would occupy exactly 16*sizeof(cufftReal) (assuming float input data, dimension R = 4, C = 4), and it would be organized that way in memory, linearly, with no gaps. However, when we switch to an in-place transform, the size of the input buffer changes. And this change in size has ramifications for data arrangement. Specifically, the sizeof the input buffer is R*(C/2 + 1)*sizeof(cufftComplex). For the R=4, C=4 example case, that is 12*sizeof(cufftComplex) or 24*sizeof(cufftReal), but it is still organized as 4 rows of data. Each row, therefore, is of length 6 (if measured in cufftReal) or 3 (if measured in cufftComplex). Considering it as cufftReal, then when we create our input data, we must organize it like this:

    X X X X P P
    X X X X P P
    X X X X P P
    X X X X P P

    where the P locations are "padding" data, not your input data. If we view this linearly in memory, it looks like:

    X X X X P P X X X X P P X X X X P P X X X X P P

    That is the expectation/requirement of CUFFT (and I believe it is the same for FFTW). However since you made no changes to the way you deposited your data, you provided data that looks like this:

    X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X P P P P P P P P 

    and the difference in those 2 patterns is what accounts for the difference in the result output. There are a variety of ways to fix this. I'll choose to demonstrate using cudaMemcpy2D to populate the device input buffer in the in-place case, which will give us the desired pattern. This may not be the best/fastest way, depending on your application needs.

    You were also not copying the correct size of the result data from device back to host.

    Here is a fixed example:

    $ cat t1589.cu
    #include <cufft.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    struct mat3d{
      int _width;
      int _height;
      cufftReal *_pData;
    void fftCuda2d(mat3d* scene)
        cufftResult resultStatus;
        cudaError_t cuda_status;
        cufftHandle plan_forward;
        resultStatus = cufftPlan2d(&plan_forward, scene->_height, scene->_width, CUFFT_R2C);
        std::cout << "Creating plan forward: " <<  (int)resultStatus << std::endl;
        cufftComplex *d_fft, *d_scene, *h_fft;
        size_t size_fft = (int(scene->_width/2)+1)*scene->_height;
        cudaMalloc((void**)&d_scene, sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft);
        cudaMalloc((void**)&d_fft, sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft);
        h_fft = (cufftComplex*) malloc(sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft);
    #ifdef USE_IP
        cuda_status = cudaMemcpy2D(d_scene, ((scene->_width/2)+1)*sizeof(cufftComplex), scene->_pData, (scene->_width)*sizeof(cufftReal), sizeof(cufftReal) * scene->_width, scene->_height, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
        resultStatus = cufftExecR2C(plan_forward, (cufftReal*) d_scene, d_scene);
        cuda_status = cudaMemcpy(h_fft, d_scene, sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        cuda_status = cudaMemcpy(d_scene, scene->_pData, sizeof(cufftReal) * scene->_height * scene->_width, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
        resultStatus = cufftExecR2C(plan_forward, (cufftReal*) d_scene, d_fft);
        cuda_status = cudaMemcpy(h_fft, d_fft, sizeof(cufftComplex)*size_fft, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        std::cout << "exec: " <<  (int)resultStatus << std::endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < size_fft; i++)
          std::cout << h_fft[i].x << " " << h_fft[i].y << ",";
        std::cout << std::endl;
    const int dim = 4;
    int main(){
      mat3d myScene;
      myScene._pData  = new cufftReal[dim*dim];
      myScene._width  = dim;
      myScene._height = dim;
      for (int i = 0; i < dim*dim; i++) myScene._pData[i] = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
      std::cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()) << std::endl;
    $ nvcc -lineinfo -o t1589 t1589.cu -lcufft
    t1589.cu(15): warning: variable "cuda_status" was set but never used
    $ ./t1589
    Creating plan forward: 0
    exec: 0
    9.71338 0,-0.153554 1.45243,0.171302 0,0.878097 0.533959,0.424595 -0.834714,0.858133 -0.393671,-0.205139 0,-0.131513 -0.494514,-0.165712 0,0.878097 -0.533959,0.0888268 1.49303,0.858133 0.393671,
    no error
    $ nvcc -lineinfo -o t1589 t1589.cu -lcufft -DUSE_IP
    t1589.cu(15): warning: variable "cuda_status" was set but never used
    $ ./t1589
    Creating plan forward: 0
    exec: 0
    9.71338 0,-0.153554 1.45243,0.171302 0,0.878097 0.533959,0.424595 -0.834714,0.858133 -0.393671,-0.205139 0,-0.131513 -0.494514,-0.165712 0,0.878097 -0.533959,0.0888268 1.49303,0.858133 0.393671,
    no error