
How to Get a responce message from service and print that message using batch file?

I need to get a responce message from a service and print that message using batch file. I need to stop a windchill service and get that message and prints it, If service is properly stopped then I need to start the windchill service..

windchill stop
timeout /t 10 
windchill start

Above code will stop and start the service with Buffer time. But I need to get the message after service is stopped and prints that that message. and only if the service is properly stopped then i need to start my service.


  • Ok, So I do not have windchill to see the results.

    But as per the previous question's updated answer:

    windchill stop
    timeout /t 5 >nul 2>&1
    windchill status | find /I "stopped"
    if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
      echo windchill successfully Stopped
      windchill start
      goto :eof
    goto :wait