I am trying to build codecbox.js on Ubuntu 18.04, which involves building FFmpeg with emcc. I have been stuck with the misleading libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found
error. In my case, there is no problem with libmp3lame installation. After further investigation into FFmpeg's configure
script, I found out that the following test file failed to compile with emcc:
#include <lame/lame.h>
#include <stdint.h>
long check_lame_set_VBR_quality(void) { return (long) lame_set_VBR_quality; }
int main(void) {
int ret = 0;
ret |= ((intptr_t)check_lame_set_VBR_quality) & 0xFFFF;
return ret;
I get fatal error: 'lame/lame.h' file not found
I found the header in /usr/include/lame
so I tried compiling with emcc -I/usr/include
. This removed the error but introduced plenty of other errors.
Then I read (for example here) that I should not use local system headers, which happens when I add option -I/usr/include
So what is the proper way to ensure emcc finds my library header whilst using Emscripten bundled system headers provided within the SDK?
sounds like you are building it with the system installation.
You are not supposed to build an emscriten module with any system-wide packages though. Imagine you are distributing the emscripten-compiled package to the web, not to someone else's desktop. You probably want to get the source of ffmpeg and other related libraries manually.