
Any notable difference between string interpolations and fragments?

Take the following queries:

import gql from "graphql-tag";

const FOO = gql` {
  foo (id: "12") {
    qux {

const BAR = gql` {
  BAR (id: "12") {
    qux {

It would be nice if we could keep the code DRY and define qux once.

I see two solutions:

  1. String interpolation, take qux out of the queries and define it a string. Here's a GitHub gist.
  2. Use fragments.

But going with #2 comes with a caveat:

If you are using fragments on unions and interfaces, you will need to use an IntrospectionFragmentMatcher

What are the benefits of using fragments?


  • The Apollo docs are a bit misleading there. Using interfaces or unions will require you to provide an IntrospectionFragmentMatcher, period. That's because an inline fragment is still a fragment. If you're querying a union or interface field, you're going to have to use a fragment per concrete type, inline or otherwise. So I wouldn't really consider this a "caveat" of utilizing fragments.

    You should generally use fragments for a couple of reasons:

    The main benefit of using string interpolation is the ability to easily include or exclude fields conditionally. This is still possible with fragments by utilizing the @skip and @include directives, but is much more verbose.