I'm new to eww browser(and emacs) and was wondering if it is possible to use it not just for navigating links and URLs but for submitting some basic plain HTML forms.
Is it possible?
I was trying to test in using https://google.com, it sort-of-works but certain characters activate various modes/commands in emacs. Like SPC, k, l etc so I can't enter those.
If it is relevant, I use Spacemacs + Evil mode + https://github.com/coljamkop/eww-layer
Turns out it was related to how eww+evil-mode was configured in spacemacs.
Related issue https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/4107 as of Nov 2019 it is still work in progress.
As a workaround, I run evil-insert
manually to activate the insert mode.