I installed oracle db version 12c in my docker environment. I used the following command:
docker run -d --name oracle -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c
I connected to the DB and everything went well but I wanted to enable unified audit. In order to do that, at first you must shutdown the Database and in all the instructions that I found it says to use sqlplus as following:
sqlplus / as sysoper
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> exit
I connected successfully to the DB using the next command:
docker exec -it oracle "bash"
and then I ran the sqlplus command and I received "command not found"
[root@f30cc670f85f /]# sqlplus / as sysoper
bash: sqlplus: command not found
Am I doing it wrong? What should I do in order to have sqlplus on my oracle DB? I looked for it and didn't find anything that helped me.
I have mac if its relevant
I think that Docker image is just the database and enough of the OS to run the database. I don't think it includes client software such as SQL*Plus.
You need to have SQL*Plus installed on your Mac. If you haven't already, download the Oracle Instant Client for MacOS including the SQL*Plus extension. Or why not treat yourself and install the new-fangled sqlCL tool? It is easier to install and has all the SQL*Plus capabilities and a whole bunch more features. Find it here.
Whatever client you choose, once it's installed on your Mac you run it like any other app: when prompted for connection you give the string Maksym provides:
sqlplus user/password@ip:port/service-name
sqlplus system/oracle@//localhost:1521/xe
If you need to connect as sys that would look like this:
sqlplus sys/oracle@//localhost:1521/xe as sysdba