
Can't delete OData service from "/n/iwfnd/maint_service"

This is a custom OData gateway service that I imported from a transport from a different system.

If I go to /n/iwfnd/maint_service and try to delete the service it says:

Service cannot be deleted, delete ICF Node first

If I try to delete the ICF Node I get:

ICF node 'ZAPMEXTERNALDATA' could not be deleted.
Reason: 'Node is not in original system'


  • Here's how I got it resolved.

    To delete the service:

    1. Goto TCODE: SE03

    2. Choose IWSG and IWOM with “ZAPM*” as shown below. ( the start of the name of your service ) You can see in the image below that they are "SAP Gateway: Service" and "SAP Gateway: Model M..."

    enter image description here

    1. Click execute.

    2. For each of the two object directory entries change them to the current system that you are in and save. In this example, I am in RS9 and want to delete the service.

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

    3. After this you should be able to delete the service from /n/iwfnd/maint_service