
Surplus space between the variable and dot in Angular, how can I clean up it?

I have a condition block with ng-container in my Angular html template. The rendered html contains unexplained space for me, how can I work it around?

The template part:

                            <ng-container [ngSwitch]="languageService.currentLang">
                            <ng-container *ngIf="accessSubscriptionPlan.subjects[1]">
                                <!--<a [routerLink]="['/subject', accessSubscriptionPlan.subject?.id, 'view']">{{accessSubscriptionPlan.subject?.name}}</a>-->
                                <ng-container [ngSwitch]="languageService.currentLang">&
                                jhiTranslate="">Platform Subscription</span>

And the final html, that was generated is:

   <span> <!----> <!----><!---->Mental arithmetics  <!----> <!---->  <!----><!----> <!---->&amp; <!----><!---->Speed reading  <!----> <!---->   .</span> 
   <span jhitranslate="">Platform Subscription.</span> 

Why do I have spaces between ...reading and dot?


I tried not to use span, but I still us ng-container and still getting the spaces:

<div *ngIf="accessSubscriptionPlan.subjects[0]">
                                <!--<a [routerLink]="['/subject', accessSubscriptionPlan.subject?.id, 'view']">{{accessSubscriptionPlan.subject?.name}}</a>-->
                                <ng-container [ngSwitch]="languageService.currentLang">
                                <ng-container *ngIf="accessSubscriptionPlan.subjects[1]">
                                    <!--<a [routerLink]="['/subject', accessSubscriptionPlan.subject?.id, 'view']">{{accessSubscriptionPlan.subject?.name}}</a>-->
                                    <ng-container [ngSwitch]="languageService.currentLang">&
                                    jhiTranslate="">Platform Subscription</span>

and the output is:

<div> <!----> <!----><!---->Mental arithmetics  <!----> <!---->  <!----> . <span jhitranslate="">Platform Subscription.</span> </div>


  • The problem is with that the span is an inline element. That's why the parser keeps every white-space in it.

    So every new line and tab and space will be trimed into 1 space.

    Try using other element like div or so.

    Here is the current version of the code that eliminates the whitespaces.