What is the purpose of class javax.persistence.criteria.From and what do its type parameters Z
and X
stand for ?
The documentation is not clear at all.
I became even more confused after I saw that the type javax.persistence.criteria.Root has the following definition:
public interface Root<X> extends From<X,X>
It is a common interface for: javax.persistence.criteria.Join
and javax.persistence.criteria.Root
to allow consistency when you call one of the methods:
Let's try explain using javax.persistence.criteria.Join#getParent
When You call javax.persistence.criteria.Join#getParent
result can be another Join or Root and a common interface for both is javax.persistence.criteria.From
See example:
Root<User> user = query.from(User.class);
Join<User, Account> account = user.join(User_.account);
Join<Account, AccountRole> accountRole = account.join(Account_.accountRoles);
From<?, User> root = account.getParent();// here we have Root<User> extends From<User, User>
From<?, Account> join = accountRole.getParent();// here we have Join<User, Account> extends From<User, Account>
And as You can see in the above example Z and X stand for a type of left and right side of the join.