
Grant privileges on several tables with specific prefix

I'm using the table prefix method for having several clients use the same database. The number of tables created per client will be ~55. Instead of doing all of the granting by manually listing out the tables, can I do something like the following?

GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON database.prefix_* TO 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


  • Advance Note: This is not my answer. I found it at and have copied and pasted for simplicity credit to Stephen Cook

    You can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view to generate the GRANT statements for you. Write a query along these lines:

    SELECT   CONCAT('GRANT SELECT ON test.', TABLE_NAME, ' to ''foouser'';')
    WHERE    TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test'
          AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'foo_%'

    Then run it, copy the results, and run those results as a query or script. You can of course get as crazy as you want with this, for example if you do this for many users maybe write a stored procedure that takes a parameter for the username and can therefore be used as a tool whenever you need it.

    It isn't a syntax you asked for, but it is a nice trick that works.


    Replace the table schema 'test' with the name of your database. foo_% can be replaced with the appropraite prefix_%

    I tried this on my own and it worked great.