
Urdu language dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis

when i run my code i get this error this error because of what>

text_raw_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_left + " " + aspect + " " + text_right)
            text_raw_without_aspect_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_left + " " + text_right)
            text_left_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_left)
            text_left_with_aspect_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_left + " " + aspect)
            text_right_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_right, reverse=True)
            text_right_with_aspect_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(" " + aspect + " " + text_right, reverse=True)
            aspect_indices = tokenizer.text_to_sequence(aspect)
            left_context_len = np.sum(text_left_indices != 0)
            aspect_len = np.sum(aspect_indices != 0)
            aspect_in_text = torch.tensor([left_context_len.item(), (left_context_len + aspect_len - 1).item()])
            polarity = int(polarity) + 1


  • Just use LASER and you'll be fine. It covers Urdu as well.

    You can read more here:

    There's also unofficial pypi package here. It substitutes some inner dependencies, but still works as expected.

    And most important question, so we may better help you: what are you trying to achieve, what is your final goal?