I am trying to set ansible facts from the stdout of a command task I call from another role.
Role A:
- name: example command
command: client get -s {{ service }}
register: vars_string
- name: set vars
set_fact: vars={{ vars_string.stdout.split('\n')}}
- vars_string.stdout | length > 0
- name: set vars as facts
set_fact: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ vars }}"
vars output:
"vars": [
Role B:
- debug:
var: tst
Results from Role B:
Expectation: { "tst": "ansible" }
Reality: { "tst": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!" }
I have tried to spit vars into a dict and use set_fact: "{{ item.key }}" : "{{ item.value }}"
as well. This returned the same results.
I want to be able to call by the variable name returned from the command in future roles. Any ideas?
Two points about your code snippet that may interest you:
built-in variable, but either way, don't do thatAs best I can tell, there is no supported syntax for assigning arbitrary top-level host facts from within just a task.
You have two choices: write out those variables to a file, then use include_vars:
to read them in -- which will assign them as host facts, or concede to the way set_fact:
wants things and be content with those dynamic variables living underneath a known key in hostfacts
We'll show the latter first, because it's shorter:
- set_fact:
my_facts: >-
{{ "{" + (vars_string.stdout_lines
| map('regex_replace', '^([^=]+)=(.+)', '"\1": "\2"')
| join(",")) + "}"
- vars_string.stdout | length > 0
Of course, be aware that trickery won't work if your keys or values have non-JSON friendly characters in them, but if that simple version doesn't work, ask a follow-up question, because there are a lot more tricks in that same vein
The include_vars:
way is:
- tempfile:
state: file
suffix: .json
register: vars_filename
- copy:
dest: '{{ vars_filename.path }}'
content: >-
{{ "{" + (vars_string.stdout_lines
| map('regex_replace', '^([^=]+)=(.+)', '"\1": "\2"')
| join(",")) + "}"
- include_vars:
file: '{{ vars_filename.path }}'
- file:
path: '{{ vars_filename.path }}'
state: absent