I'm trying to display the header component in the navigation header but it's being displayed outside of it. The bar in blue is supposed to replace the white rectangular space at the top.
render() {
return (
paddingTop: Constants.statusBarHeight
<Header leftComponent={{ text: "Delete Account" }} />
style={{ marginTop: 20 }}
flex: 1,
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center"
You are adding marginTop to the view that contains the header, which moves the header 50 margins down, remov marginTop from the view
<Header leftComponent={{ text: 'Delete Account' }} />
You also need to use centerComponent
with placement
property to move the title to the left, and hide header in your stackNavigator
class AccountScreen extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{ marginTop: Constants.statusBarHeight }}>
<Header placement="left" centerComponent={{ text: 'Delete Account' }} />
<Text>Account Screen</Text>
const RootStack = createStackNavigator(
Account: {
screen: AccountScreen,
navigationOptions: {
header: null,
Details: DetailsScreen,
initialRouteName: 'Account',