
How to extract Left or Right easily from Either type in Dart (Dartz)

I am looking to extract a value easily from a method that return a type Either<Exception, Object>.

I am doing some tests but unable to test easily the return of my methods.

For example:

final Either<ServerException, TokenModel> result = await repository.getToken(...);

To test I am able to do that

expect(result, equals(Right(tokenModelExpected))); // => OK

Now how can I retrieve the result directly?

final TokenModel modelRetrieved = Left(result); ==> Not working..

I found that I have to cast like that:

final TokenModel modelRetrieved = (result as Left).value; ==> But I have some linter complain, that telling me that I shouldn't do as to cast on object...

Also I would like to test the exception but it's not working, for example:

expect(result, equals(Left(ServerException()))); // => KO

So I tried this

expect(Left(ServerException()), equals(Left(ServerException()))); // => KO as well, because it says that the instances are different.


  • Ok here the solutions of my problems:

    To extract/retrieve the data

    final Either<ServerException, TokenModel> result = await repository.getToken(...);
     (exception) => DoWhatYouWantWithException, 
     (tokenModel) => DoWhatYouWantWithModel
    //Other way to 'extract' the data
    if (result.isRight()) {
      final TokenModel tokenModel = result.getOrElse(null);

    To test the exception

    //You can extract it from below, or test it directly with the type
    expect(() => result, throwsA(isInstanceOf<ServerException>()));