I am trying to run sample code that uses an IBM Watson service. After setting my username / password or the IAM key as required, the code fails. In Python it is an error like this:
init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'iam_apikey'
What is the reason? What do I need to change?
It seems that you ran into an issue with the Watson SDK. Recently, with the Python SDK V4 and the Node SDK V5, they introduced a breaking change (Python, Node) which I found in their release notes. There is a new, more abstract authentication mechanism that caters to different authentication types. You would need to slightly change the code for how NLC is initialized.
This is from the Python migration instructions:
For example, to pass a IAM apikey:
from ibm_watson import MyService
service = MyService(
from ibm_watson import MyService
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('{apikey}')
service = MyService(
See some of the IBM Cloud core SDKs for more documentation, e.g., here is the Authentication doc for the core Node SDK.