
Anaconda environment won't activate

I'm on Windows 7 using Anaconda 4.7.10.

On a command prompt after I entered


I saw this:

This Python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has not been activated.

I therefore followed the instructions to activate my Conda environment.

  1. In CMD I checked the list of Conda environments

    conda env list

    Environment 'base' returned:

    base          * C:\Users\Linda\anaconda3
  2. I added the path to my system variables

  3. I activated my environment

     conda activate base
  4. This returned:

     (base) C:\Users\Linda>

I am not sure where to go from here - am I expected to enter more prompts?

I closed the CMD and entered this again:


It's still returning the Conda environment requiring to be activated my activation actually didn't work. But I don't have any ideas as to how to continue with the activation process. Any ideas?


  • Your step 4 already confirms that you were able to activate the base environment.

    (base) C:\Users\Linda>

    When an environment is activated, the default directory is "C:\Users\your-account".

    I would however, suggest you to use Anaconda Prompt instead of regular CMD.

    If you want to use CMD, first activate the environment C:\Users\your-account>activate base and then enable python interactive interface (base) C:\Users\your-account>python