
How to properly listen to child changes in FirebaseDatabase

I am trying to listen to my database child changes, in my case it is orders.

Below is a picture of my database, where
ODdPag... Is the uid of my customer

Lu-_1A is just .push random order naming

I can provide my code but it is confusing and not working, because i can only access Orders and not its next child.

Now I want to list all my orders and lister for changes in sub children (in order names) not uid.

I am using:

val db = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance.reference
val ref = db.child("/Orders/")

ref.addChildEventListener(object: ChildEventListener {

            override fun onChildAdded(p0: DataSnapshot, p1: String?) {


                p0.children.forEach {
                    it.child("order").children.forEach{ item ->
                        val newData = item.getValue( ?: return
                        newData.itemName = item.key!!
                        newData.orderKey = it.key!!

                    val data = it.getValue( ?: return

            override fun onChildChanged(p0: DataSnapshot, p1: String?) {

                    p0.child("order").children.forEach{ item ->
                        val newData = item.getValue( ?: return
                        newData.itemName = item.key!!
                        newData.orderKey = p0.key!!

                    val data = p0.getValue( ?: return

class itemRowData(val phoneNumber :String = "",val time :String = "",val locationLat :Double = 0.0,val locationLong :Double = 0.0,val optionalAddress :String = "",val optionalNote :String = "",val totalPrice :String = "")
class itemListData(var itemName: String = "" ,val totalQuantity: String = "",val totalPrice :Long = 0,var orderKey :String = "")

Logcat: 1 and 2 are not called

P0 shows 4 rows full of all data every time I send an order


  • I want all orders from all users, that is my problem. I cant reference to every ("/Orders/uid") to listen to child changes

    To get all orders of all users, you should use a ValueEventListener, like in the following lines of code:

    val rootRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().reference
    val ordersRef = rootRef.child("Orders")
    val valueEventListener = object : ValueEventListener {
        override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
            for (uidDataSnapshot in dataSnapshot.children) {
                for (orderDataSnapshot in uidDataSnapshot.children) {
                    val newData = orderDataSnapshot.getValue(
        override fun onCancelled(databaseError: DatabaseError) {
            Log.d(TAG, databaseError.getMessage()) //Don't ignore errors!

    See, in order to get each order of each user, you should iterate twice, once to get the uidDataSnapshot and then to get the orderDataSnapshot object.