
How to increase heap size for development server

How can I increase the heap size for a local development server? The defaults is now -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m (../local/engine/nodemanager/config/

Is there a property I can set in maybe?


  • For DEV/TEST/PRELIVE Servers:

    You may have a production, development etc. properties file that overrules the environment properties file using the prio modification in your assembly; Check the "include" closures in your assembly and double check if there is a clause for environment specific inclusions. (e.g. if environment is development, use

    We actually worked around this problem and made our DEV a TEST server (So build a snapshot type and then deploy with a settings.gradle) to prevent yourself from creating two separate DevOps flows.

    For local DEV environments: If its developer repetition you want to mitigate, either don't run deployServer if you don't have to (use dC) OR exclude the responsible gradle task/project from running and therefore overwriting the file.