
One Cycle Fourier Window optimization. My code is inefficient

Good day

EDIT: What I want: From any current/voltage waveform on a Power System(PS) I want the filtered 50Hz (fundamental) RMS values magnitudes (and effectively their angles). The current as measured contains all harmonics from 100Hz to 1250Hz depending on the equipment. One cannot analyse and calculate using a wave with these harmonics your error gets so big (depending on equipment) that PS protection equipment calculates incorrect quantities. The signal attached also has MANY many other frequency components involved.

My aim: PS protection Relays are special and calculate a 20ms window in a very short time. I.m not trying to get this. I'm using external recording tech and testing what the relays see are true and they operate correctly. Thus I need to do what they do and only keep 50Hz values without any harmonic and DC.

Important expected result: Given any frequency component that MAY be in the signal I want to see the magnitude of any given harmonic (150,250 - 3rd harmonic magnitudes and 5th harmonic of the fundamental) as well as the magnitude of the DC. This will tell me what type of PS equipment possibly injects these frequencies. It is important that I provide a frequency and the answer is a vector of that frequency only with all other values filtered OUT. RMS-of-the-fundamental vs RMS differs with a factor of 4000A (50Hz only) and 4500A (with other freqs included)

This code calculates a One Cycle Fourier value (RMS) for given frequency. Sometimes called a Fourier filter I think? I use it for Power System 50Hz/0Hz/150Hz analogues analysis. (The answers have been tested and are correct fundamental RMS values. (

For a large sample the code is very slow. For 55000 data points it takes 12seconds. For 3 voltages and 3 currents this gets to be VERY slow. I look at 100s of records a day.

How do I enhance it? What Python tips and tricks/ libraries are there to append my lists/array. (Also feel free to rewrite or use the code). I use the code to pick out certain values out of a signal at given times. (which is like reading the values from a specialized program for power system analysis) Edited: with how I load the files and use them, code works with pasting it:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import math
import numpy as np
import cmath

filenamecfg = r"E:/Python_Practise/2019-10-21 13-54-38-482.CFG"
filename = r"E:/Python_Practise/2019-10-21 13-54-38-482.DAT"

t = []
IR = []
with open(filenamecfg,'r') as csvfile1:
    cfgfile = [row for row in csv.reader(csvfile1, delimiter=',')]
    scaleval = float(np.array(cfgfile)[3][5])
    scalevalI = float(np.array(cfgfile)[8][5])
    samplingfreq = float(np.array(cfgfile)[numberofchannels+4][0])
    numsamples = int(np.array(cfgfile)[numberofchannels+4][1])
    freq = float(np.array(cfgfile)[numberofchannels+2][0])
    intsample = int(samplingfreq/freq)
    #TODO neeeed to get number of samples and frequency and detect 
    #scaleval = np.array(cfgfile)[3]

with open(filename,'r') as csvfile:
    plots = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
    for row in plots:
        t.append(float(row[1])/1000000) #get time from us to s

newIR = np.array(IR) * scalevalI
t = np.array(t)

def mag_and_theta_for_given_freq(f,IVsignal,Tsignal,samples): #samples are the sample window size you want to caclulate for (256 in my case)
    # f in hertz, IVsignal, Tsignal in numpy.array
    timegap = Tsignal[2]-Tsignal[3]
    pi = math.pi
    w = 2*pi*f
    Xr = []
    Xc = []
    Cplx = []
    mag = []
    theta = []
    #print("Calculating for frequency:",f)
    for i in range(len(IVsignal)-samples): 
        newspan = range(i,i+samples)
        timewindow = Tsignal[newspan]
        #print("this is my time: ",timewindow)
        Sig20ms = IVsignal[newspan]
        N = len(Sig20ms) #get number of samples of my current Freq
        RealI = np.multiply(Sig20ms, np.cos(w*timewindow)) #Get Real and Imaginary part of any signal for given frequency
        ImagI = -1*np.multiply(Sig20ms, np.sin(w*timewindow)) #Filters and calculates 1 WINDOW RMS (root mean square value).
        #calculate for whole signal and create a new vector. This is the RMS vector (used everywhere in power system analysis)
        Xr.append((math.sqrt(2)/N)*sum(RealI)) ### TAKES SO MUCH TIME
        Xc.append((math.sqrt(2)/N)*sum(ImagI)) ## these steps make RMS
        theta.append(np.angle(Cplx[i]))#th*180/pi # this can be used to get Degrees if necessary
        #also for freq 0 (DC) id the offset is negative how do I return a negative to indicate this when i'm using MAGnitude or Absolute value
    return Cplx,mag,theta #mag[:,1]#,theta # BUT THE MAGNITUDE WILL NEVER BE zero

myZ,magn,th = mag_and_theta_for_given_freq(freq,newIR,t,intsample)

plt.plot(newIR[0:30000],'b',linewidth=0.4)#, label='CFG has been loaded!')

The code as pasted runs smoothly given the files attached Regards

EDIT: Please find a test csvfile and COMTRADE TEST files here: CSV:



  • Forewords

    As I said in my previous comment:

    Your code mainly relies on a for loop with a lot of indexation and scalar operations. You already have imported numpy so you should take advantage of vectorization.

    This answer is a start towards your solution.

    Light weight MCVE

    First we create a trial signal for the MCVE:

    import numpy as np
    # Synthetic signal sampler: 5s sampled as 400 Hz
    fs = 400 # Hz
    t = 5    # s
    t = np.linspace(0, t, fs*t+1)
    # Synthetic Signal: Amplitude is about 325V @50Hz
    A = 325 # V
    f = 50  # Hz
    y = A*np.sin(2*f*np.pi*t) # V

    Then we can compute the RMS of this signal using the usual formulae:

    # Actual definition of RMS:
    yrms = np.sqrt(np.mean(y**2)) # 229.75 V

    Or alternatively we can compute it using DFT (implemented as rfft in numpy.fft):

    # RMS using FFT:
    Y = np.fft.rfft(y)/y.size
    Yrms = np.sqrt(np.real(Y[0]**2 + np.sum(Y[1:]*np.conj(Y[1:]))/2)) # 229.64 V

    A demonstration of why this last formulae works can be found here. This is valid because of the Parseval Theorem implies Fourier transform does conserve Energy.

    Both versions make use of vectorized functions, no need of splitting real and imaginary part to perform computation and then reassemble into a complex number.

    MCVE: Windowing

    I suspect you want to apply this function as a window on a long term time serie where RMS value is about to change. Then we can tackle this problem using pandas library which provides time series commodities.

    import pandas as pd

    We encapsulate the RMS function:

    def rms(y):
        Y = 2*np.fft.rfft(y)/y.size
        return np.sqrt(np.real(Y[0]**2 + np.sum(Y[1:]*np.conj(Y[1:]))/2))

    We generate a damped signal (variable RMS)

    y = np.exp(-0.1*t)*A*np.sin(2*f*np.pi*t) 

    We wrap our trial signal into a dataframe to take advantage of the rolling or resample methods:

    df = pd.DataFrame(y, index=t*pd.Timedelta('1s'), columns=['signal'])

    A rolling RMS of your signal is:

    df['rms'] = df.rolling(int(fs/f)).agg(rms)

    A periodically sampled RMS is:


    The later returns:

    00:00:00    2.187840e+02
    00:00:01    1.979639e+02
    00:00:02    1.791252e+02
    00:00:03    1.620792e+02
    00:00:04    1.466553e+02

    Signal Conditioning

    Addressing your need of keeping only fundamental harmonic (50 Hz), a straightforward solution could be a linear detrend (to remove constant and linear trend) followed by a Butterworth filter (bandpass filter).

    We generate a synthetic signal with other frequencies and linear trend:

    y = np.exp(-0.1*t)*A*(np.sin(2*f*np.pi*t) \
         + 0.2*np.sin(8*f*np.pi*t) + 0.1*np.sin(16*f*np.pi*t)) \
         + A/20*t + A/100

    Then we condition the signal:

    from scipy import signal
    yd = signal.detrend(y, type='linear')
    filt = signal.butter(5, [40,60], btype='band', fs=fs, output='sos', analog=False)
    yfilt = signal.sosfilt(filt, yd)

    Graphically it leads to:

    enter image description here

    It resumes to apply the signal conditioning before the RMS computation.