
What is a typical Gearman flow for database modification?

Would appreciate some help understanding typical best practices in carrying out a series of tasks using Gearman in conjunction with PHP (among other things).

Here is the basic scenario:

A user uploads a set of image files through a web-based interface. The php code responding to the POST request generates an entry in a database for each file, mostly with null entries in the columns, queues a job for each to do analysis using Gearman, generates a status page and exits.

The Gearman worker gets a job for a file and starts a relatively long-running analysis. The result of that analysis is a set of parameters that need to be inserted back into the database record for that file.

My question is, what is the generally accepted method of doing this? Should I use a callback that will ultimately kick off a different php script that is going to do the modification, or should the worker function itself do the database modification?

Everything is currently running on the same machine; I'm planning on using Gearman for background scheduling, rather than for scaling by farming out to different machines, but in any case any of the functions could connect to the database wherever it is.

Any thoughts appreciated; just looking for some insights on how this typically gets structured and what might be considered best practice.


  • Are you sure you want to use Gearman? I only ask because it was the defacto PHP job server about 15 years ago but hasn't been a reliable solution for quite some time. I am not sure if things have drastically improved in the last 12 months, but last time I evaluated Gearman, it wasn't production capable.

    Now, on to the questions.

    what is the generally accepted method of doing this? Should I use a callback that will ultimately kick off a different php script that is going to do the modification, or should the worker function itself do the database modification?

    You are going to follow this general pattern with any job queue:

    The job queue is going to track which jobs have completed and usually the status of completion. If you are using gearman, this is the gearmand process. You also need something pickup work and process that work, I will refer to this as the job worker. The job worker is where the concurrency happens which is what i think you were referring to when you said "kick off a different php script." You can just kick off a PHP script at an interval (with supervisord or a cronjob) for a kind of poll & fork approach. It's not the most efficient approach, but it doesn't sound like it will really matter for your applications use case. You could also use pcntl_fork or pthreads in PHP to get more control over your concurrent processes and implement a worker pool pattern, but it is much more complicated than just firing off a script. If you are interested in trying to implement some concurrency in PHP, I have a proof-of-concept job worker for beanstalkd available on GitHub that implements a worker pool with both fork and pthreads. I have also include a couple of other resources on the subject of concurrency.