The bluetooth device is receiving the write request just fine, and I can see confirmation of that in the console, however the data variable being passed is resulting in the same random output no matter what I pass in the data variable: I'm guessing I'm either sending or receiving the data variable in the wrong format?
Here is the code from my Android Device, sending a write request to the Bluetooth Device
var data = new Uint8Array(2);
//var data = new Uint8Array([21,31]); // also tried many versions of this
function(error){console.log('Error occured')
Here is the code on the bluetooth device receving the request:
var bleno = require('bleno');
var os = require('os');
var util = require('util');
var BlenoCharacteristic = bleno.Characteristic;
var SomeCharacteristic = function() {, {
uuid: 'THE_UUID',
properties: ['write'],
this._value = new Buffer(0);
SomeCharacteristic.prototype.onWriteRequest = function(data, offset, withoutResponse, callback) {
this._value = data;
console.log('Date Received from Write Request: value = ' + this._value[0]);
//console.log('Date Received from Write Request: value = ' + this._value);
//console.log('Date Received from Write Request: value = ' + this._value.toString('utf8'); // tried many versions of this
util.inherits(SomeCharacteristic, BlenoCharacteristic);
module.exports = SomeCharacteristic;
Different output results:
this._value[0] = 158
this._value = ??e
etc, etc, etc.
New updated code from bleno was needed. Fixed now.