
Add DNS entry to local /etc/hosts for traffic redirect to PKS Ingress controller

My Kubernetes cluster is running in Vmware PKS.

I am having Ingress resource with spec.rules.host: test.domain.com for backend service "test-service". I understand that by adding an entry in DNS server will route traffic to my cluster when accessed from outside of the cluster(external). But without DNS entry in the server/cloud, I need to test the Ingress configuration locally by adding an entry to /etc/hosts or something like.

I found in a baremetal tutorial, adding the HA Proxy IP to /etc/hosts file redirects traffic to kubernetes cluster. Just like that, added the "ip_of_k8_cluster test.domain.com" to /etc/hosts the tried to access like "curl http://test.domain.com/" but the URL is not reachable.

How to verify(internal) the hostname in the Ingress resource without having actual DNS entry for host. I want to make sure my Ingress resource is perfectly working then I can request my company admin to add the name in DNS.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  namespace: ingress
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
  name: app-ingress
  - host: test.domain.com
      - backend:
          serviceName: test-service
          servicePort: 80
        path: /


  • The IP which you have to add to /etc/hosts is not the IP of the Kubernetes-Cluster, it must be the External-IP of the Ingress-Service.

    And the port and targetPort of the Ingress-Service must be also correct (in your case port to 80 and targetPort to the one on which your Ingress Service listens).