Is there anybody who can help me converting base32 values to decimal numbers? I have a sql statement which returns me a list of base32 values. For example the return of the select looks like this:
Now I need to figure out which of these values is the highest (in this case 13r). Therefore I would need a function to convert these base32 values to decimal numbers in order to sort them. Does anybody have such a function or does anybody have a different approach?
It will be little bit tricky.
You can create a function
which will separate each character/digit from the original base32 number and multiply it with 32^(position in base32 number) to get decimal equivalent number and use that function
in your query.
create function convert32todecimal(p_num in varchar2) return number as lv_outnum number; begin select sum(val) into lv_outnum from ( select power(32,pos) * case when d between '0' and '9' then to_number(d) else 10 + ascii(d) - ascii('A') end as val from ( select upper(substr(p_num,length(p_num)+1-level,1)) d, level - 1 as pos from dual connect by level <= length(p_num) ) ); return lv_outnum; end; /
Now, use this function in your query as following:
with your_data(num) as ( select '5' from dual union all select '8' from dual union all select 'H' from dual union all select '13r' from dual ) select num, convert32todecimal(num) from your_data order by 2 desc;