
How to update git in cmder after updating it internally

How to make changes after updating the git from the terminal with

$ git-update-git-for-windows

I want 2 know if how do you update such git inside cmder because in my git bash I see this :

enter image description here

But when I go into cmder I see this thing

enter image description here

How do you make this two reflect with each other..


  • As seen here, you can update the PATH of cmder with its user startup script, in cmder\config\user-profile.cmd.

    @set PATH=<path_to_Git>\bin;%PATH%

    You can also use the cmder system menu (System Preferences, then click on Advanced system settings → Environment Variables.)

    In the OP's case:

    @echo off @set PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\;%PATH% 

    The idea is to add in front of the %PATH% the parent folder (bin) of the correct git.exe (2.24), not the executable itself.