I want to get grouped aggregated data, but running into a problem with the aggregating same column with multiple functions.
Basically, I want to know if there is a way to rename an aggregated column, so it doesn't rewrite.
Here is my code
df = Daru::DataFrame.from_activerecord(active_record,
*%i[jobs.id jobs.demand_created_at jobs.quality_rating jobs.service_rating jobs.value_rating SC.name D.czso_region_id])
df.vectors = Daru::Index.new(%i[job_id demand_created_at quality_rating service_rating value_rating specific_category_name region_id])
# computed columns
df[:avg_rating] = ((df[:quality_rating] + df[:service_rating] + df[:value_rating]) / 3.0)
df[:broad_region_id] = df[:region_id].recode { |i| i[0...-1]}
df_grouped = df.group_by([:specific_category_name, :broad_region_id, :job_id])
df_grouped.aggregate(avg_rating: :mean, job_id: :count).aggregate(avg_rating: :mean, job_id: :count)
I'm having problem here:
df_grouped.aggregate(avg_rating: :mean, job_id: :count).aggregate(avg_rating: :mean, job_id: :count)
Basically, I want to write something like this (for example):
df_grouped.aggregate(avg_rating: :mean, avg_rating: :std)
However, this only generates one column named avg_rating
and error
(irb):124: warning: key :avg_rating is duplicated and overwritten on line 124
Is there a way to rename aggregated column? The only idea I have is to duplicate columns, but that seems like a very hacky solution.
Well, I finally found the answer here.
Agreggation of grouped data can be done like this:
avg_d: ->(df) { df[:d].mean },
sum_c: ->(df) { df[:c].sum },
avg_of_c: ->(df) { df[:c].mean },
size_b_with_lambda: ->(grouped){ grouped[:b].size},
uniq_b_with_proc: proc {|grouped| grouped[:b].uniq.size }
which solves all my issues