So I want to show an image from a URL.
I know I would first need to make it friendly URL encoded -
.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
for example
if var strUrl = {
strUrl = strUrl.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
However how then do I get it to put it into the MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork.
I have attempted many different things from using a 3rd part kingfisher plugin - but no success.
If someone could show me how to get the following image to show that would be great You Were Here_Brain Purist.jpg
You need to setup MPRemoteCommandCenter
with its nowPlayingInfo
func setupNowPlayingInfo(with artwork: MPMediaItemArtwork) {
nowPlayingInfo = [
MPMediaItemPropertyTitle: "Some name",
MPMediaItemPropertyArtist: "Some name",
MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork: artwork,
MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration: CMTimeGetSeconds(currentItem.duration)
MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate: 1,
MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime: CMTimeGetSeconds(currentItem.currentTime())
func getData(from url: URL, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) in
if let data = data {
func getArtBoard() {
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return }
getData(from: url) { [weak self] image in
guard let self = self,
let downloadedImage = image else {
let artwork = MPMediaItemArtwork.init(boundsSize: downloadedImage.size, requestHandler: { _ -> UIImage in
return downloadedImage
self.setupNowPlayingInfo(with: artwork)