
How to use <gdal/gdal.h> in Windows with MinGW?

I am developing a program using Qt and I have to use the header . However, I am not sure how to install GDAL on Windows. I have Windows 10 and MinGW 7.3.0.

I have followed the instructions in https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingWithMinGW. But after typing ./configure, the make command throws an error of the type "./config.status: no such file or directory".

I only want to install the GDAL library in Windows in order to compile my Qt program, I do not need to follow the previous instructions.

I am a newbee at this topics, so all help will be welcome.


  • GDAL is quite a complex package to build. The main reason is that you need to have all the dependancies in place, (including: libdl sqlite3 libcurl libjpeg libpng libtiff postgresql zlib geos proj libdl json xerces libxml2 pcre) and that it expects to find these under /usr/local.

    If building from source is new to you, I would recommend you search for already built binaries.