
HK2: accessing RunLevel scoped services from child locator

I use Jersey in a Java SE application. HK2 provides dependency injection to the overall application. HK2 RunLevel services are registered in the application service locator, which is the parent to Jerseys service locator.

+ application locator
|\- RunLevel capabilities
| - MyCustomService, @RunLevel(value=1)
  + jersey locator
   \- jersey resource class
     \ @Inject MyCustomService

My problem is that I cannot access runlevel-scoped services from within Jersey. When - in the above example - the jersey resource is opened, injection of MyCustomService fails:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find an active context for org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel.RunLevel

The reason for this seems to be that the services behind the HK2 RunLevel feature have visibility LOCAL: The jersey locator cannot access them via its parent locator. See here.



To give context to the question, I'm using runlevels in a "System-V" style.

This concept allows granular control over availability and long running requests. When shutting down, the application will be at runlevel 2 until previously accepted HTTP requests are fulfilled and enqueued background tasks completed. However, no new tasks/requests are accepted. Then, runlevel 1, 0, -1, exit.


  • The solution is to respect the DescriptorVisibility#LOCAL and inject services dependent on RunLevelContext only from the service locator that manages them.

    It is a bit cumbersome:

    To reduce the danger of forgetting to do it this way, and just injecting MyCustomService into a jersey resource, I've now marked my runlevel-scoped services to be also of DescriptorVisibility#LOCAL. That way they can't be injected by the jersey locator.